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Is Model Rocketry a Safe Hobby for Young Children?

  • 21 Jul 2023

NASA engineers had to start somewhere before they made it big. A high percentage of them likely started as hobbyists. But the question is: at what age did they discover their love for rockets? Some could have had a fascination since childhood. And if that’s the case, is model rocketry a safe hobby for young children?

Short Answer

The short answer is “yes.” Historically speaking, model rocketry is a very safe hobby despite the precautions affiliated with the activity. Working with model rockets is one of the sources of inspiration for people who became engineers and scientists.

Children as young as 8 years old love building model rockets. The hobby is exciting and riveting but it also teaches them about STEM. These are the subjects in school that could be a little harder to master and grasp.

However, building a model rocket introduces a new element to them and could change the perspective of the subjects. There’s a reason so many teachers include this project in their curriculum.

Long Answer

Now for the long answer. While young children can get involved in this rewarding hobby, it needs to start at a specific level. The danger increases with every level. Therefore, you wouldn’t thrust a level-5 model rocket into the hands of a beginner.

Children need to start at their assigned skill level. If you’re new to the sport, start with an Estes beginner rocket kit. At AC Supply, we have those kits for every other level. Our kits start at the intermediate level and increase to master level 5 rockets. Starting at your skill level keeps things safe and fun.

Kits that are too advanced make the task seem more a chore than a hobby. Children need to understand the instruction and steps—not get frustrated by them.

Precautions & Safety

Once they learn their set level, they need to familiarize themselves with the safety and precautions for that area. The safety precautions for level 1 won’t apply to level 5. The National Association of Rocketry (NAR) has some very specific safety codes all hobbyists must abide by.

The general rules found on their website apply to all levels. There are 11, and each one is set to protect the rocketeer and those in the area. Aside from having safety codes for model rockets, they also have them for high-powered rockets and radio control rocket gliders.

We want hobbyists of all ages to fall in love with model rockets. Model rocketry is a safe hobby for young children, and you can use our products to get them started. For more information, visit our website.
